Aspartame is cruel to its users.
Some entities swear by its safety, saying no health risks are attached to using aspartame artificial sweetener.
The question is "who will you believe --your ailing body or the hype?"
Studies show 92% of Americans use or have used artificial sweeteners in the form of Equal® and NutraSweet® brands.
All of that 92% developed symptoms of illnesses of which they previously were not affected.
The FDA released a list of health complaints that consumers registered that records a wide range of ailments.
Some entities swear by its safety, saying no health risks are attached to using aspartame artificial sweetener.
The question is "who will you believe --your ailing body or the hype?"
Studies show 92% of Americans use or have used artificial sweeteners in the form of Equal® and NutraSweet® brands.
All of that 92% developed symptoms of illnesses of which they previously were not affected.
The FDA released a list of health complaints that consumers registered that records a wide range of ailments.