Thursday, October 15, 2015

5 Shocking Claims About Eating Meat That The Experts Should Revisit

Food is so important to vitality, energy, and general health, yet most of us think eating anything at any time is sufficient.

Opinions vary on this subject.

However, more individuals are seeking refuge from becoming victims of the onslaught of diseases plaguing the world.

Health activists believe food is the major common denominator by which disease is transmitted.

1. Many vegetarians believe humans who want to live long and healthy lives must eat bloodless food i.e. fruits and vegetables.

Health conscious individuals claim that it's difficult to think of a person as being alive and vibrant when they're always eating dead things.

They also believe "dead" meat represents something that is void of life and unfit to serve the living, which is why dead things are buried.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

How to Get Rid of Sickness and Disease in Your Body Once and For All

Everyone loves to eat.

Unless you are resilient against food binging, holidays will suck you into an eating frenzy, one that you might pay for with your health.

Disease consists 50% unresolved emotional issues, 25% bad eating habits and the other 25% is spiritual emptiness.

Sickness and disease are not from eating bad food alone. Many vegetarians will tell you that their health is not relegated to eating alone. Humans are three-dimensional: emotional, physical and spiritual. Each element must be nurtured.

How do we get rid of sick and disease in the body once and for all?

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Warning: Your Body Shouldn't Be Too Fat or Too Skinny

Some people associate good health with weight gain.

I've heard people say things like "Oh, you're putting on some weight. It looks good on you."

It's nice to pay a compliment to someone.

And even nicer when you're not the one carrying around an extra twenty or thirty pounds.

To be too skinny is not good. Nor is carrying too much weight.

But I digress...

In fairness, normalized weight gain that balances with height and frame does look good. But who has that?

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Shocking Accusations About How Often We Should Eat: Is It Fact or Fiction?

Eating is fundamental to health and life. It's the fuel that supplies the body with energy and necessary nutrients that maintain proper function.

How often we should eat--what we eat--is an important focus given the level of widespread obesity in this country. Traditionally, we are told that three meals a day are necessary for good health.

However, I have always wondered how someone else can tell me when I'm hungry. It just never made sense. Yet, we are trained to do it in school. And eating three times a day becomes a habit rather than physical necessity.

Friday, October 2, 2015

How Safe is it to Eat the Food at Some of Your Favorite Spots...or Have You Even Thought About It?

We eat foods prepared by anyone, pretty much anywhere.

That wonderful steak, brown and appetizing, could have a history of falling on the floor, being picked up and slapped back onto the plate.

What about the worker with the bad head cold, who is sneezing and coughing over everything and never washing a hand?

How about the people at table three who are so rude that the waitress totally dogs the food out before bringing it to them?

A Tip to Remember: If you have an eating-out lifestyle, always be genuinely kind to the workers. Your life is literally in their hands.